The Four Tendencies framework was created by Gretchen Rubin (New York Times bestselling author), and asks and answers one question that will help you transform your relationships at home and work: how do you respond to inner and outer expectations?
I’ve been passionate about this subject for a few years but I find that the content is almost more necessary now as we all work together from home and relationships assume even higher importance than before.
I am thrilled that I am accredited to offer this workshop, and I would love to work through the content with you too!
You may already know your Tendency (awesome!) but the best part of this workshop is understanding how to harness it to make you happier, healthier, and more creative in your life by fostering good habits and improving your relationships . Best of all, you will leave with specific strategies that work for your tendency, not just strategies that work for other people.
This workshop is designed for people who are interested in…
- improving their parenting
- having better marriages/ partnerships
- excelling at work with their colleagues and clients
- reaching their goals and most important of all…
- having a better understanding of their personalities and what makes them unique, and how to understand their tendencies to reduce Covid-19 frustrations
During our time together, yes, you will have your tendency confirmed. You will also gain self-knowledge – this is the key that will help you overcome challenges in your life, and work with the strengths and limitations of your Tendency, and not against it.
I am a big fan of all things Gretchen Rubin and have been following her Four Tendencies framework for a number of years.
My husband and I recently attended a workshop on the Four Tendencies presented by Marcia Francois.
I always knew I would attend a workshop on the Four Tendencies, because I am a Questioner and so, of course, I have questions!
I worked quite hard to convince my Rebel husband (at the time he did not know he was a Rebel, but obviously I did!) to attend the workshop with me and he agreed to it, even though he thought it was nonsense.
Well. We absolutely LOVED it! Even the one who went in thinking that it was all nonsense.
We both learned a lot about our respective tendencies as, well as new ways of navigating each other’s tendencies within the context of our relationship.
I definitely feel that we have experienced a shift. He finally understands my need to ask all the questions and analyse all the things, and I have learned to let him be true to his own Rebel self because really, he just does not care about anyone’s expectations! I also learned ways to harness the Rebel tendencies to the advantage of our family situation.
I would definitely recommend this workshop for couples. It has significantly improved how we communicate with each other and this has completely changed the dynamic between us – for the better!
Marcia is a brilliant, engaging presenter and is excellent at managing her audience. Do attend one of her workshops, especially with your partner. You won’t be sorry.
Julia Webber – Cape Town

Phetsile liked it…
The Four Tendencies workshop is the most rewarding hours I’ve spent on a Saturday afternoon by far.
I’ve been empowered to try different approaches with my husband and children after identifying all of our tendencies. I feel so much better because I understand why we sometimes clash and struggle to reach consensus.
Phetsile Dhlamini, Obliger
Why take this workshop with me vs doing it online, on your own?
- Despite having the very best intentions, you know you’re not going to work through material on your own.
- You need the accountability
- You want to have fun while learning about your tendency.
- I’ve been successfully running workshops for twenty years.
- 100 people have been through this workshop with me over the last 18 months
Here are all the details:
Date: Please send me an email to get on the waiting list or book a private 1:1 Four Tendencies coaching session
Venue: Zoom private room
Duration: 2 hours , including question and answer time
Your investment: R500/ $35 per person
Bank details: Send me a WhatsApp to 084 504 7339 to request them
How this works:
- Make your payment by EFT/ Paypal
- I will send you a confirmation to the same email address with all the details to the Zoom calls, and a link to access the handout.
- Before the call, if you don’t already have Zoom downloaded, please do so
- I’ll send a meeting request with reminders built-in that will alert you closer to our workshop.
I can’t wait to meet you and help you unleash your tendency!
F, who wants to be anonymous, also liked it…
Throughout the afternoon I felt like the biggest light bulb was switched on for me. As Marcia started explaining the tendencies and I realised what mine was, a lot of things in my life started making sense. All my life I’ve tried to suppress who I am and that is why I never felt comfortable in my own skin.
If you’ve ever asked yourself, “why am I like this?”, then I say you need to do this workshop.
F, the responsible Rebel
and you will like it too! In fact, I think you’ll love it!
People who attend The Four Tendencies workshop are left changed, empowered, free, encouraged, understood, seen, uplifted and supported, and I want you to feel exactly the same.
PS If the date of this workshop doesn’t work for you, please put your name on the waiting list.
PPS I also offer individual or couples 75-minute Four Tendencies coaching sessions via Skype, WhatsApp Video or Zoom for those who prefer that option. Book your session now for $75.